Opinion Article Analysis

111111-300x200While part of the essay portion of the AP exam will require you to analyze an author’s style or rhetoric, the other portion asks you to read an opinion and to take a position that defends, challenges, or qualifies that argument. To help us practice both of these tasks, you will be required to complete an analysis of 3 recent opinion articles over the next 3 weeks.

Assignment: Each week choose an opinion column from a major newspaper or magazine. Please avoid articles devoted strictly to sports and entertainment and focus instead on those which address recent news and current issues. Avoid straightforward news articles as well – those (theoretically at least) are objective stories which do not necessarily reflect an author’s opinion. Search for articles that are making an argument.

Here are just a few websites from which you could draw your articles:
http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/ LA Times
http://www.nytimes.com/opinion/ New York Times
http://www.time.com/time/columnist/ Time Magazine
http://www.pe.com/localnews/opinion/ The Press-Enterprise
http://www.opinionjournal.com/ Wall Street Journal
http://blogs.usatoday.com/oped/ USA Today

*Or simply search any major paper/magazine’s website for their opinion section.

1) Create a blog post; include a title, an image, and a link to the article you used.
2) A one paragraph summary of the column – don’t forget to note authors/newspaper, etc.
3) A one paragraph analysis of the rhetorical strategies – what is the author’s attitude toward the subject OR purpose for writing, and what rhetorical strategies do they use to accomplish that goal (i.e. humor, hyperbole, irony, rhetorical questions, repetition, diction, syntax, etc.). *Note – you do not have to write out a full rhetorical analysis essay here; just clarify what the attitude/purpose is, and then briefly comment on some specific ways in which they accomplish it, giving a few examples.
4) A response to the column in which you defend, challenge, or qualify the argument. Do you agree or disagree with the author and why? Make sure to use examples and support to back up your opinion (your own life, observations, friends’ lives, etc).
5) You’re publishing this, so make sure to check carefully for grammar, punctuation, capitalization, etc. Don’t forget to include the link to the article.

* Due Dates – March 19, March 26, April 2 – post to blogs by 8:00 a.m.

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Essay Analysis – Bowden’s “Our Wall”

 Read Charles Bowden’s  essay “Our Wall” (p.1014-1017) in Conversations in American Literature.

1) Identify Bowden’s purpose in the essay. What is his main goal or idea?

2) Identify one rhetorical strategy he uses to accomplish that goal and find an example/quote of that strategy.

  • Make sure you clearly identify the strategy you’re talking about (diction, imagery, repetition, etc.).
  • Use quotation marks for the example…and then briefly explain HOW that strategy/example helps him achieve his overall purpose. *Note – I don’t want to see everyone using the same examples, so be careful about looking at other people’s responses.

3) Do you agree with Bowden’s point in the essay? Explain why or why not AND use an example from either your life or the life of someone you know to illustrate why you agree or disagree.

*Note: I realize this is bit of a hot button political issue in 2018, so I’m trusting you to be respectful and civil in your responses and comments. Be different than the rest of our society, ok? We can agree to disagree with one another without getting over-emotional, polarized, and unkind.

Due Date – Must be posted by Monday, March 11 at 8:00 a.m.

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Women’s Brains – Essay Analysis

Assignment: Read Stephen Jay Gould’s essay “Women’s Brains” – p. 1385-1389 in Conversations in American Literature.

1) Identify Gould’s purpose in the essay. What is his main goal or idea?

2) Identify one rhetorical strategy he uses to accomplish that goal and find an example/quote of that strategy.

  • Make sure you clearly identify the strategy you’re talking about (diction, imagery, repetition, etc.).
  • Use quotation marks for the example…and then briefly explain HOW that strategy/example helps her achieve her overall purpose. *Note – I don’t want to see everyone using the same examples, so be careful about looking at other people’s responses.

3) Do you agree with Gould’s point in the essay? Explain why or why not AND use an example from either your life or the life of someone you know to illustrate why you agree or disagree.

Due Date – Must be posted by Tuesday, February 26 @ class time.

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About Men – Essay Analysis

Assignment: Read Gretel Ehrlich’s essay “About Men” – p. 1044-1046 in Conversations in American Literature.

1) Identify Ehrlich’s purpose in the essay. What is her main goal or idea?

2) Identify one rhetorical strategy she uses to accomplish that goal and find an example/quote of that strategy.

  • Make sure you clearly identify the strategy you’re talking about (diction, imagery, repetition, etc.).
  • Use quotation marks for the example…and then briefly explain HOW that strategy/example helps her achieve her overall purpose. *Note – I don’t want to see everyone using the same examples, so be careful about looking at other people’s responses.

3) Do you agree with Ehrlich’s point in the essay? Explain why or why not AND use an example from either your life or the life of someone you know to illustrate why you agree or disagree.

Due Date – Must be posted by Tuesday, February 19 at 8:00 a.m.

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Blog Assignment #1

Computer-CatAssignment: Carefully read a news article about something that interests you.  Then pull a topic from the article you read; this doesn’t necessarily have to be the main topic of the published article, but it should be a topic that you can argue, (so that means someone probably disagrees with you), and you need to be able to use information from the article as support for your position.

In your blog, complete the following:

  • Create a post; include a title, an image, and a link to the article you used.
  • Explain your topic in an introduction; make sure to choose a side with a strong/arguable and SPECIFIC thesis (one that sets up your argument).
  • Support your position by using any or all of the following:
  1. Anecdotal evidence (personal connections/stories)
  2. Make a connection between the topic and something you’ve read, something in pop culture/in the news, something an expert has said, etc.
  3. Explain the opposing view and state why they are wrong (using evidence).
  • Conclude by summarizing your main ideas and restating your position in a more emphatic way.
  • You’re publishing this, so make sure to check carefully for grammar, punctuation, capitalization, etc.  Don’t forget to include the link to the article.

Note: Make sure you have added my blog (and at least 5 classmates to your sidebar links, and make sure you have e-mailed your blog address to me –mblades@linfield.com. 

1st Blog Post due by Monday, October 29.


Filed under AP Lang Assignments